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Alpaca Breeders in Australia

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| NSW Coast/Hunter | NSW Southern | Southern Queensland/Northern NSW | Victoria Central |

NSW Coast/Hunter  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:ADORE
Herd Size:40
Contact Name:Nigel Thompson
Telephone Number:0439475493
Nearest Town:Mulbring
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:359 Sandy Creek Rd
Mount Vincent NSW
About this breeder:ADORE is a boutique breeder of quality Huacaya focussing on fleece improvement in animals of all colours. We believe in everything there is to adore about alpacas, their lovely nature as a domesticated animal, their fleece and the products that can be made.

We are situated on 25 acres on the foothills of the Watagan Mountains at Mount Vincent. As recent entrants to the breeder market we have fresh memories of starting out and are more than prepared to help out others purchasing their first alpacas. As active members of the Alpaca Association Local Area Network we also have access to many other local breeders.

Breeder/Farm Name:Saphire Park Alpacas
Herd Size:80
Contact Name:Kylie Werren
Telephone Number:0425278886
Nearest Town:Maitland
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:1166 Paterson Rd Woodville

NSW Southern  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Elimbari Alpacas
Herd Size:75
Contact Name:Michael Davis
Telephone Number:0409829122
Nearest Town:Queanbeyan
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:401 Burra Road
About this breeder:Elimbari Alpacas specialises in breeding white suri alpacas with fleece that is perfectly suited for the highest quality production. We have developed animals with excellent conformation and health producing fleece with good lustre, density and lock structure. We have used some of Australia's top suri genetics and have won many broad ribbons in the showring. We have alpacas for sale to suit established suri breeders as well as those wanting to start an alpaca herd.

Breeder/Farm Name:Incamon Alpaca Stud
Herd Size:200
Contact Name:Richard & Robin Wirth
Telephone Number:0418 97 22 33
Nearest Town:Laggan NSW
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:3150 Golspie Road
About this breeder:We run a herd of quality, Huacaya and Suri alpacas, Llamas and Babydoll sheep. Our main focus is on breeding alpacas in a range of colours on well conformed animals with lustrous, dense and fine fleece. We breed and sell these quality alpacas at competitive market prices to the stud, pet and commercial markets.

Our family farm and alpaca stud is located on the Southern Highlands of New South Wales just 15 minutes from Crookwell. Incamon consists of 185 acres of rich alluvial soil covered with native grasses which supports our farming of a variety of animals.

We are always inviting and enjoy chatting about anything alpaca, we offer honest, practical advice, genuine support and welcome new people to the alpaca world. Our offer includes; alpaca sales, special payment terms, discounts on packages, great support, stud services, shearing, agistment and also have alpaca fleece available for purchase in a range of natural colours.

Regardless of what you are aiming to get from alpacas, we specialize in assisting you realise your dream.

All our stud animals are registered with the Australian Alpaca Association.

Farm visitors are welcome subject to prior arrangements. Visitors receive a free no obligation information pack.

So welcome to Incamon Alpacas and we hope that you enjoy browsing through our site and learning more about our wonderful farm and alpaca experience.
Latest News:Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 30th January 2009


Last night at 7.25pm "Rondul Park Black April" gave birth, unaided, to 2 healthy male crias 15 minutes apart. Cria No.1 (so far unnamed) weighed in at 4.6kg and No.2 at 6.1kg. Proud dad, "Bryanna Kimba" looked on capturing the beautiful moment.

Michael was on the spot and was talking to Richard on the phone when No.2 appeared. After the initial shock it was a sleepless night ensuring the little guys and mum were okay. Michael was up until 3am and thought it was safe for some shuteye and then at 6.30am found that No.2 had somehow got his front legs into the drinking bucket and got stuck there so the hair dryer came out and the thermal blanket went on and all was well. The vet was called to provide a health check this morning and gave a clean bill of health to mum and both crias.

Michael still has his hands full getting April to accept both crias and getting No.2 to suckle off mum but he's getting there with a lot of patience and persistence. We have given them a little milk supplement to ensure their ongoing health. The next 24 hours will be critical, especially for No.2, but the vet seemed to think that they will be okay and go on to be normal healthy alpacas.

We are so excited!!!!! To say the least!!!

We have been told that twins are rare with only about 1 in 50,000 births result in twins.

A photo is now available

Best regards
Richard & Robin

Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 31st January 2009

?WE HAD TWINS? Continued...

The twins are now 2 days old and have left the Incamon Hospital (The shed) this afternoon to be with other mums and bubs. Michael reports that No.1 is full of beans and was sprinting around the yard while No.2 is active enough he prefers to take it a little slower. Mum has accepted both crias and is now fully feeding them. Michael offered them a supplementary bottle this morning but was rejected outright.

Michael is now monitoring their behaviors to ensure the Cria?s get enough milk and that they stay as a family unit.

These twins are believed to be the eleventh set of huacaya twins to be born and registered in Australia.

Sorry no names decided as yet.

Photos available at

More updates later...

Best regards
Richard & Robin

Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 2nd Feb 2009

?WE HAD TWINS? Continued...

Sad news i'm afraid. On the Saturday night No.2 was unwell and the vet was called on Sunday morning however later we received the sad news that he had passed. He had a very weak heart & lungs, and appeared to have contracted pneumonia.

After all the hipe of having twins we are very saddened by his illness & passing.

We ended up calling No.1 Eik (pronounced Ike) and No.2 Elk. Eik & Elk

April and Eik are both fine with no complications whatsoever.

Best regards
Richard & Robin

Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 6th Feb 2009

On Wednesday 4th Feb Willa gave birth to a lovely 7.5kg brown girl. both are healthy. Not twins but another Precious one helps the healing process.

Best regards
Richard & Robin

Breeder/Farm Name:Orrapoora Alpacas
Herd Size:11
Contact Name:Helen and Nestor Ellinopoullos
Telephone Number:02 4821 5678
Nearest Town:Goulburn
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:135 Mt Baw Baw Rd

PO Box 291
About this breeder:

Who We Are

Orrapoora Alpacas, established in 1994, is owned and managed by Helen and Nestor Ellinopoullos, and their children Kristi and Jason. Orrapoora Alpacas is a division of Airlie Group Holdings Pty Limited.

The name ?Orrapoora? is a Central Australian Aboriginal word meaning ?Australian Magpie? (Gymnorhina tibicen).

After much searching, we decided that the Goulburn region in NSW provided the perfect climate for our alpacas and we found our ideal farm just outside the city of Goulburn. We brought our animals here in early 1998

Although we have now sold all our breeding stock, we still handle sales of animals for other breeders and are still involved in exports.

Airlie farmhouse

Latest News:

8th April

Vale The Don.

15th February 2009

As we are now in closing down mode, we are offering most of our herd at heavily reduced prices. Proven breeding females, (some colours, mainly solid white, both empty and pregnant), and weanling/maiden females, with prices starting from $770. If required, all empty females come with a free mating to top quality males.

We also have two young solid white males of stud quality, ready to work now, guaranteed fertile?$1,650 each.

One multiple ribbon winning certified male, very even light/medium grey, compact in size, and ready to work?$2,500.

Young wethers and wether quality white males $220 each.

Discount for multiples purchased. Make an offer.

All quoted prices include GST and transfer fees for animals sold over $1,000.

Apart from wethers all alpacas are dual registered in AAR and IAR.

Visits and inspections welcome. Interstate transportation easily arranged.

31st July 2008

Alpacas in China.

10th June 2008

Introducing Orrapoora Ridotto.

9th May 2008

Some prefer the lucerne hay in the troughs and some prefer the oaten hay ad lib!

9th April 2008

Show of the Month

4th March 2008

Andromeda Jordi

13th February 2008

Thank you Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

9th January 2008

Orrapoora GREEN

3rd December 2007

Sofia Veronica Valle-Ellinopoullos

12th November 2007

Well on the way to recovery.

8th October 2007

A tough little boy.

6th September 2007


11th August 2007

Like father like son!

2nd July 2007

Rain comes to Airlie.

11th June 2007

Rambo, the Big Merino at Goulburn NSW is Sheep of the Month.

27th May 2007

Auction Sunday 17th June 2007.
Flyer with details available here (PDF, new window, 795KB)
Full Auction Catalogue available here (PDF, new window, 1.87MB).

5th May 2007

Our latest Alpacas of the Month are Rheala and Valentina, a three in one package available in our upcoming auction.

1st May 2007

31st March 2007

Orrapoora?s second Orrapoora-born appaloosa!

March 2007

February crias are Orrapoora?s Alpacas of the Month.

February 2007

Alpaca of the Month is Orrapoora?s first Orrapoora-born appaloosa, Orrapoora Scribbles.

3rd December 2006

Vale Spock.

6th November 2006

Shearing is over for another year.

30th September 2006

Ringo and Trumpeter.

5th September 2006

Kit Kat and Wally.

Helen and Nestor working on the farm

29th August 2006

Jay Harley has presented Orrapoora with this incredible cartoon of Helen and Nestor working on the farm (right). Have a look at Jay?s other work and feel free to contact her if you are interested in a caricature or two.

1st August 2006

Ezra, Reuben, Lazarus and Cyprus are now grown up and enjoy their daily walk with their ?Pied Piper Pete?.

8th July 2006

Nestor is running for President of the Australian Alpaca Association. If you are a member of the AAA, please consider the document Candidates for Election to National Committee 2006 recently sent out by the AAA to all members and cast your vote by no later than 4pm EST on Friday, 11th August 2006.

Nestor?s Candidate Statement and supporting statements by Penny Pittard, John Pittard, Raymond Haynes, David de Burgh and Pauline Nugent can be seen here.

Ian Watt, the Immediate Past President of the Australian Alpaca Association, has strongly endorsed Nestor?s nomination and has publicly issued a Letter of Support for Nestor to be the next President of the AAA. If you are a AAA member and would like to receive a copy of Ian Watt's letter, please email

2nd July 2006

Alpaca of the Month: a lovely lady with a beautiful histogram.

8th June 2006

Alpaca of the Month: a tribute to Our Jack

10th May 2006

Runt of the Month

4th April 2006

Due to on-going and worsening drought conditions (we are now into our fifth year) we are anxious to reduce our animal numbers and have slashed our prices - all wethers and wether-quality males now reduced by 25% to $330 each, including GST.
We will also be heavily reducing our prices for females. Please keep an eye on our SALES pages for some upcoming bargains.

1st April 2006

Cyprus, Ezra, Lazarus and Reuben arrive at their new home at Marulan.

1st March 2006

Orrapoora?s Dog of the Month is sadly missed.

10th February 2006

Orrapoora?s website has been given a facelift and is now integrated with AlpacaSeller - data from the AlpacaSeller account displays in Orrapoora?s website seamlessly.

1st February 2006

Shearers? Cook of the Month.

1st January 2006

Alpaca of the Month - another new boy in town.

31st December 2005

We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2006.

Breeder/Farm Name:Golden Range Alpacas
Herd Size:70
Contact Name:Leonie Hosey
Telephone Number:0414 807 201
Nearest Town:Marulan
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:1973 Towrang Rd
Greenwich Park
About this breeder:Golden Range Alpaca stud is situated in Australia's finest fleece growing area on top of the great Dividing Range. We are breeding for excellence in commercial fleece production and superior gentics. We have superior all white Huayaca stock for sale. Also we have now introduced a selection of fine coloured alpacas. We have stud services to males of proven Peruvian pedigrees and breeding from mutiple championship award winning females.

Southern Queensland/Northern NSW  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:HEADLINE Alpacas
Herd Size:40
Contact Name:Glenn and Janice Knight
Telephone Number:0439253320
Nearest Town:East Greenmount via Toowoomba
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:101 Lipp Road
East Greenmount
About this breeder:Our aim is to breed easy to handle huacaya alpacas in a variety of colours with a continuous improvement of fleece quality.

We pride ourselves in being honest with alpaca prices and advice.

We like the variety of natural and earthy alpaca fleece colours.

Victoria Central  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Tahara Suri Alpacas
Herd Size:43
Contact Name:Dianne Marshall
Telephone Number:03 5790 5228 or 0408 390 180
Nearest Town:Euroa
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:26 Main Street
About this breeder:Dianne has been breeding alpacas since 1993. In 1996 she travelled to Peru to see where Alpacas came from and to learn as much as she could about alpacas. 2004 saw her travel to Peru again but this time study at the International Alpaca Judging School under Maggie Kreiger and Julio Sumar. She successfully completed this course which has added to her extensive knowledge of Alpacas, suris in particular.

Until 2009 Dianne had a herd of over 100 suris but due to personal circumstances had to downsize and her animals are now at Baarrooka.

The results of her breeding program speak for themselves. 2003 National Champion Suri (Tahara Illumini) 2003, Intermediate Female Champion Suri(Tahara Perlitta) 2003, Junior Champion Female 2005 and 2006 Adult Female Champion (Tahara Zahira).

Zahira's son Zabar ET was VCR Alpaca of the year in 2009.

Tahara's philosophy is to use the best genetics possible.

Alkumi was VCR Suri Alpaca of the year in both 2010 and 2011.
Latest News:I am currently have some lovely stock for sale as the time has come to retire. I can no longer manage to keep animals. I have some lnice young females as well as a couple with cria at foot. As it is mid winter the girls have not been mated. They need to be sold asap.

Tahara has been quiet on the showing front for a while but returned a couple of time in 2019. Tahara Omari (Roan) and Tahara Adair (medium fawn) were awarded champion fleece in their respective classes at Bendigo Colourbration 2019.. Omari Was also awarded Champion Roan at the Fleece show at the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show 2019.

Melbourne Royal was also a successful show under the Peruvian Judge Rito Hauyto. Tahara Phineas was Champion Adult Male and Tahara Zeke ws thrid in a strong Senior class. The following weekend at Seymour Phineas was again a Champion and Zeke won his class..

2012/13 Saw Tahara Phaedra and Tahara Nitere have an extremely successful show season.

2012 Ballarat Ag Show Phaedra Intermediate White Champion with Nitere being Intermediate Medium Fawn Champion and going on to be Supreme Champion.

2012 Hamilton Alkumi was 1st in 18-30month While fleece.
2012 Colourama Tahara Phaedra Intermediate Champion White Suri female. Tahara Nitere was awarded first in his Intermedite Medium Fawn Class and Reserve Champion. Alkumi was first in the White 18-30month fleece.

2012 - At the recent VCR Awards Night Tahara Alkumi was awarded VCR Suri Alpacaq for 2011. Congratulations Alkumi for being awarded VCR Suri Alpaca of the Year two years in a row.

2011 - A good start to the year. Tahara Alkumi was awarded Supreme Champion Suri at the Wodongs Show with his stable mate Tahara Zamir being awarded First in the Intermediate Fawn Suri male and also awarded Reserve Champion to Alkumi's Champion in the overall Intermediate Suri Male Class.

Tahara had had much success in the last few months. Tahara Alkumi was awarded Supreme Champion Suri at the Wangaratta Ag Show and Tahara Zabar won Supreme Champion Suri Fleece.

At Bendigo Ag Show Tahara Iridescence was awarded Supreme Champion Suri and Alkumi was Champion Jujnior male. Tahara Olin was 2nd in his colour class.

At Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show 2010 Tahara Alkumi was awarded Reserve Junior Champion Suri.

At the Ballaratt Ag Show Tahara Alkumi was awarded Champion Junior Suri and Tahara Iridescence was awarded first in the Junior Fawn Suri Female Class. Tahara Zabar ET was awarded 3rd in his class to Kurrawa in the 18 months to 30 months fleece class and Tahara Amorina was placed first in the fawn class with her 2nd fleece and Resurgam Marc Anthony (owned by Tahara) was placed first in his under 18 months class. So al in all a very succerssful show.

Tahara had a huge reduction sale on 2 may 2010 due to fact Dianne no longer has acres on which to operate. She is currently leasing 9 acres and is continueing with her remaining alpacas as long as the lease is available.

Thankfully due to the support of Julie and Russell of Baarrooka Alpaca Stud the sale went well and all alpacas now have new homes with both new and existing breeders.

Zabar has been awarded Suri Alpaca of the Year 2009 for the Central Region. The other good new is that he is now working.l

Tahara enjoyed success at the Kyneton Fleece Show 2009 with Tahara Zip Code being awarded first in hus Black class, Tahara Amorina 1st in her Fawn class and Tahara Incandescence 2nd in her white class.

Some of my girls are now having crias so there will be some excellent 3 in 1 packages available in the near furture. Enquire about our attractive packages of females plus male suri of highly desirable blood lines, suitable for certification and use to breed with and improve your girls progeny.

Some good new is that in the middle of moving Tahara Attended the Ballarat Sheep and Wool Sale and was fortunate enough to Win Supreme Champion Suri with Tahara Zabar ET.

Three fleeces were also entered in the Cresweick Woollen Mills fleece show and all were successful. Tahara Amonina was Champion Fawn, Tahara Iin candescence was Champion White and Tahara Zip Code (a black) was Supreme Champion fleece.

Breeder/Farm Name:Tularosa
Herd Size:90
Contact Name:Jennifer Hall
Telephone Number:0408533654
Nearest Town:Strathbogie
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:152 Quailes Lane
Kelvin View
About this breeder:Tularosa breeds a range of coloured suri with a focus on the silver grey suri. We are located in North-East Victoria, just off the Hume Freeway in the foothills of the Strathbogie Ranges. With continuing measurement and breeding choices, we are working on producing suris with dense fleeces and great handle.

Breeder/Farm Name:Ashbourne Alpacas
Herd Size:400
Telephone Number:0438756231
Nearest Town:Elphinstone
Web Site:
Email:Click Here To Contact
Address:2375 Harmony Way,
Elphinstone, Vic 3448

P.O. Box 24
Elphinstone, Vic
About this breeder:Located in the Central Highlands of Victoria at Elphinstone; Ashbourne Alpacas is an alpaca stud breeding elite white & coloured huacayas. Ashbourne Alpacas are now operating across 200 acres.
Our breeding program is focused on developing high frequency and high amplitude fleece characteristics with a soft handle and fine micron.
Density of overall fleece saddle is also critical to produce commercially valuable fleeces & is therefore an on-going focus for our breeding program.
We are committed to using quality, proven genetics that will produce these fleece traits.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pintrest to stay in touch will all of our latest news.
Our locally produced knitting yarn can be purchased from our online store at