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Packages of Alpacas For Sale

| Baden Württemberg | Bavaria | Brandenberg | Carinthia | Cornwall | Cumbria | Denbighshire | Derbyshire | Dumfriesshire | East Sussex | Gloucestershire | Hesse | Kent | Kronoberg | Lincolnshire | Lower Saxony | Michigan | North Rhine Westphalia | North Yorkshire | Northamptonshire | Nottinghamshire | Ontario | Oxfordshire | Poitou-Charentes | Salzberg | Saxony | Saxony Anhalt | Shropshire | Staffordshire | Suffolk | Thuringia | Upper Austria | Warwickshire | West Flanders | West Sussex | Wigtownshire | Worcestershire |

Baden Württemberg  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Bypaka - Alpakahof Beinberg
Contact Name:Bettina Melter, Fritz Kusterer
Telephone Number:0049 173 278 458 1
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Bypaka Paket 2: 5 Zuchtstuten
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Da wir unseren Bestand aus Platzgr?nden momentan etwas verkleinern m?ssen, haben wir einige tolle Zuchtstuten zu verkaufen, die wir gerne als Paket abgeben w?rden.

Alle Stuten weisen sehr gute Stammb?ume vor und sind zudem vom AAeV Herdbuchgepr?ft. Die Bewertungsb?gen k?nnen auf Anfrage gerne eingesehen werden. Regelm??iges Entwurmen sowie Zahn- und Klauenpflege sind auf unserem Hof selbstverst?ndlich. Zudem stehen wir auch Neueinsteigern in die Zucht mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

Gerne geben wir weiterf?hrende Ausk?nfte zu den Stuten und zeigen sie und ihre Nachzucht bei einem Besuch auf unserem Hof. Bei Anfrage an senden wir euch gerne auch den offiziellen Verkaufskatalog als PDF Datei zu. Wir freuen uns ?ber euer Interesse.
Price:€15,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Bypaka - Alpakahof Beinberg
Contact Name:Bettina Melter, Fritz Kusterer
Telephone Number:0049 173 278 458 1
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Bypaka Paket 1: 5 Zuchtstuten
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Da wir unseren Bestand aus Platzgr?nden momentan etwas verkleinern m?ssen, haben wir einige tolle Zuchtstuten zu verkaufen, die wir gerne auch im Paket abgeben w?rden.

Alle Stuten weisen sehr gute Stammb?ume vor und sind zudem vom AAeV Herdbuchgepr?ft. Die Bewertungsb?gen k?nnen auf Anfrage gerne eingesehen werden. Regelm??iges Entwurmen sowie Zahn- und Klauenpflege sind auf unserem Hof selbstverst?ndlich. Zudem stehen wir auch Neueinsteigern in die Zucht mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

Gerne geben wir weiterf?hrende Ausk?nfte zu den Stuten und zeigen sie und ihre Nachzucht bei einem Besuch auf unserem Hof. Bei Anfrage an senden wir euch gerne auch den offiziellen Verkaufskatalog als PDF Datei zu. Wir freuen uns ?ber euer Interesse.
Price:€20,000.00 (Euro)

Bavaria  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Taubertal-Alpakas
Contact Name:Ilona Kindler
Telephone Number:+49 (0) 16096959985
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Weiße Junghengste
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:White
About this package:Quantensprung und Quickstep sind zusammen aufgewachsen und m?chten auch gern zusammen bleiben. Beide haben ein sehr sch?nes Vlies und bringen ein gutes Zuctpotential mit.
Auf Wunsch k?nnen sie auch kastriert werden.
Sie laufen gut am Halfter.
Price:€3,800.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Taubertal-Alpakas
Contact Name:Ilona Kindler
Telephone Number:+49 (0) 16096959985
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Zwei trächtige Stuten
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Beige
About this package:Queen und Quendolina haben beide hohes Zuchtpotential. Sie eignen sich als Einsteigerpaket f?r die Zucht von Alpakas in den Farben fawn bis brown. Beide Stuten kommen aus einem sehr guten Zuchtprogramm. Sie sind halfterf?hrig.
Price:€7,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Traum Alpakas
Contact Name:Andreas und Kerstin van Bebber
Telephone Number:+4915112453617
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:TA Flynn und TA Merlin
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:TA Flynn und TA Merlin (einzeln auch inseriert) auch als Package erh?ltlich.

Infos aus den einzelnen Anzeigen entnehmen.
Price:€5,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Traum Alpakas
Contact Name:Andreas und Kerstin van Bebber
Telephone Number:+4915112453617
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:TA Flynn, TA Merlin, MMN Aurin
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Einzelne Angaben bei den Tieren hinterlegt
Price:€9,500.00 (Euro)

Brandenberg  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:The Poet´s Alpacas
Contact Name:L. Rodewald
Telephone Number:01575 3612353
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Freizeit-Hengst-Trio
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Zum Saisonauftakt bieten wir dieses entz?ckende Hengst-Trio an: Poet?s Parvis, Lyle und Echo Punk!

Alle samt aus verschiedenen Jahrg?ngen der Poet?s Alpaka Zucht hervorgegangen, d?rfen sie demn?chst als Freizeittiere in ein neues Zuhause umziehen.

Der ?lteste und Erfahrenste in der Runde ist Poet?s Parvis, ein fawn-farbener Wallach mit sch?nen Faserqualit?ten und einem freundlichen Gem?t. 2016 geboren, ist er bereits als Wandertier zum Einsatz gekommen und hat sich dabei sehr bew?hrt.

Poet?s Lyle, multi colour aus zwei extrem feinen Elterntieren, wurde 2020 geboren und ist ein aufgeweckter, neugieriger Zeitgenosse. Seine Faserwerte mit 15.7 icron im 2. Vlies sprechen f?r sich.

Der letzte im Bunde, Poet?s Echo, ein brauner Absetzer aus 2022, besticht mit einem sch?nen, soften, crimpigen und dichten Vlies und einem sehr freundlichen Naturell. Sein Vater ist Dreamworlds Protector.

Sowohl als Faserlieferanten und als auch, bei entsprechendem Training als Wandertiere, d?rften die Drei in Zukunft ihren neuen Besitzern viel Freude bereiten. Informationen zu Faserwerten und Abstammung lassen wir Ihnen bei Interesse gerne zukommen.

Wir verkaufen die drei Hengste nur als Gruppe und nur an Menschen mit Erfahrungen in der Alpaka Haltung, oder solche, die sich gerade das notwendige Wissen aneignen.
Price:€3,900.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Parvati-Alpakas
Contact Name:Achim Winkler
Telephone Number:016097039209
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Alpaka Quartett zum Verlieben
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Mixed
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Diese 4 M?dels sind sind ein unschlagbares Quartett zum Verlieben. Indira ist eine rose grey farbene 2-j?hrige Suri-Stute mit einem immerw?hrenden L?cheln im Gesicht, der Liebling vieler unserer Besucher. Sie ist eine sehr liebe freundliche Stute, easy im Handling, l?uft lieb am Halfter. Maya ist eine 5-j?hrige Huacaya-Sch?nheit, grazil und elegant in ihrer Ausstrahlung und vor 2 Jahren f?rsorgliche Mutter eines h?bschen Stutfohlens (2j?hrig bei 16.5 mic!) geworden. Maya hat leider eine Stauballergie entwickelt, weshalb sie unbedingt in einen offenen Unterstand ziehen sollte und am besten viel frisches Gras und staubarmes Heu angeboten bekommen sollte. Aus diesem Grund haben wir Maya aus unserer Zucht schweren Herzens rausgenommen. Filinchen ist eine 2 j?hrige wei?e Suri-Stute mit einer wie wir finden magischen Ausstrahlung mit ihren blauen Augen. Sie verf?gt neben einem ausgewogenen K?rperbau au?erdem ?ber absolut exzellente Vlieswerte; ist aber aufgrund einer vermuteten Schwerh?rigkeit ebenfalls nicht unbedingt f?r die Zucht geeignet. Schlie?lich bieten wir noch unsere zuckers??e 1j?hrige Huacaya-Stute Rani zum Verkauf an, ein St?tchen mit einer fantastischen Faser und einer so liebenswerten knuddeligen Ausstrahlung, dass man ihr kaum widerstehen kann. Rani ist nach derzeitgem Stand f?r die Zucht geeignet. Da sie besonders eng mit Indira befreundet ist, w?rden wir zumindest diese beiden gern im Paket abgeben. Am sch?nsten w?re es, wenn das ganze Quartett zusammen in ein neues sch?nes Zuhause umziehen k?nnte. Preis inkl. 19% MwSt
Price:€8,900.00 (Euro)

Carinthia  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Arnburg Alpakas
Contact Name:Thomas Kothmiller-Uhl
Telephone Number:00436769094052
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Arnburg Alpacas
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:4 Alpacas - 2 gedeckte Stuten mit Top Hengsten ein 2 j?hrig (superfine - med brown) ein 1j?hrig (ultrafine white)
Price:€17,000.00 (Euro)

Cornwall  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Sunnydale Alpacas
Contact Name:Peter Swann
Telephone Number:07966 132275
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:4 Lovely Boys
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:a group of yearlings, just shorn to be your pets, to show or to be fox guards to protect your lambs or hens.
Price:£1,750.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Polgrain Alpacas
Contact Name:Heather Lester
Telephone Number:07717852610
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Weanling Males
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:2 Young Suri Males. Both fine well grown, with good confirmation and both from great genetics. Lane House Stormy Skies and Polgrain All Shook Up. Fully halter trained and all husbandry up to date.
Price:£1,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Dark Sky Alpacas
Contact Name:Tom & Wendy Scott
Telephone Number:07825105530
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Junior Pedigree Female Suris
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A rare opportunity to purchase two beautiful junior Suri females from the Dark Sky Alpacas 2023 cria drop. Only being released due to duplicate genetics in the herd. Amazing genetics to build into any advanced Suri breeding programme. Must go together to an established herd given their young age.
Price:£4,750.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Polgrain Alpacas
Contact Name:Heather Lester
Telephone Number:07717852610
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Maidens
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 lovely young maidens looking for a new home. We have made the decision to stop breeding our huacayas and so would like to give these three young animals a chance somewhere else.

They have not been mated as we do not have a stud anymore. They would make a great starter herd for someone. All three are friendly females, they will all wear a halter, but would need to work to get them walking well. They are all up to date with their husbandry. Ideally they should all go together, hence the discount for buying them as a package (20%)
Price:£1,200.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Dark Sky Alpacas
Contact Name:Tom & Wendy Scott
Telephone Number:07825105530
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Potential Suri Studs
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A great opportunity to purchase 2 young (20 month old) suri studs with outstanding genetics who are already fully BAS registered,DNA and colour genetics tested. Being sold as a package given the flexibility they offer to any breeding programme colour and pedigree wise, but also as they have been together since birth and will make their transition to a new farm so much easier for them both.
Price:£2,600.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Polgrain Alpacas
Contact Name:Heather Lester
Telephone Number:07717852610
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Lovely Ladies
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:As we are no longer breeding our Huacaya herd we have decided to downsize our females and give them opportunities elsewhere.

As we do not have a Huacaya stud, all the females are currently open.

All our animals are up to date with their husbandry and are BAS registered.

Prices are subject to VAT
Price:£1,200.00 (Sterling)

Cumbria  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:King Garth Alpacas
Contact Name:jane hodgson
Telephone Number:07762286050
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Starter Herd- females
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:The perfect start to set you up to breed quality alpacas with good genetics. They are pregnant to quality stud males and are likely to produce some very special cria. Their pregnancies are guaranteed for a live cria on the ground for 24 hrs or a remating to a King Garth Stud male.
All these girls are proven good birthers and mothers. They are all halter trained and extremely handable.
As they share a paddock they already are bonded and will settle well in their new home.
These girls will look after you as you start this exciting journey!
Up to date on all husbandry, these girls come with a offer of lifetime help and guidance.
These girls are reluctantly for sale, but herd reduction is necessary at King Garth Alpacas to make room for the 2024 births. For this reason they are offered at this low price which doesn?t reflect their excellent genetics.
Price:£4,900.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:King Garth Alpacas
Contact Name:jane hodgson
Telephone Number:07762286050
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Starter Herd - Females
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:The perfect start to set you up to breed quality alpacas with good genetics. They are pregnant to quality stud males and are likely to produce some very special cria. Their pregnancies are guaranteed for a live cria on the ground for 24 hrs or a remating to a King Garth Stud male.
All these girls are proven good birthers and mothers. They are all halter trained and extremely handable.
As they share a paddock they already are bonded and will settle well in their new home.
These girls will look after you as you start this exciting journey!
Up to date on all husbandry, these girls come with a offer of lifetime help and guidance.
These girls are reluctantly for sale, but herd reduction is necessary at King Garth Alpacas to make room for the 2024 births. For this reason they are offered at this low price which doesn?t reflect their excellent genetics.
Price:£4,950.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:King Garth Alpacas
Contact Name:jane hodgson
Telephone Number:07762286050
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Pet Boys
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 young boys who would love to stay with their friends are offered at a reduced rate. These boys have lovely personalities and really nice fleeces which will make lovely yarn. Great for home spinning. The boys are halter trained and are currently been used for alpaca experience visits. etc. They are really good on the halter with all ages - I wish I could keep them all! They are up to date on husbandry. The boys are approx 1 year old: King Garth Ripley - white King Garth Aladdin Sane- Brown King Garth Wise Guy - Brown Before and after sales advice and guidance is offered for as long as required. Delivery can be arranged up to 100 miles from Carlisle. Give me a call with any questions you have.
Price:£1,300.00 (Sterling)

Denbighshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Dee Valley Alpacas
Contact Name:Mrs Debbie Humphreys
Telephone Number:07464617922
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Pregnant Females - A1 Sire
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Three pregnant females all pregnant to our lovely stud MileEnd Finlo.
Price:£3,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Dee Valley Alpacas
Contact Name:Mrs Debbie Humphreys
Telephone Number:07464617922
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:4 Pet boys
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Group of lovely mixed colour males. On the way with halter training
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)

Derbyshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Commonside Alpacas
Contact Name:
Telephone Number:07376582602
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A lovely pair of young females, ideal for a starter pair or to join an existing herd. Both are very well handled and fully halter trained, with experience walking on the lead.

They have good coverage of fleece, with potential to become good breeding females.

They are both in good condition, and fully up to date with vitamins and vaccinations, alongside routine faecal screenings.
Price:£2,500.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Spinney Farm Alpacas
Contact Name:Norma Rickards
Telephone Number:07971798138
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Gorgeous boys
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:These 3 gorgeous boys are looking for a forever home. They will make great pets and will be a pleasure to look after. All up to date with husbandry and halter training has just started. Delivery possible.
Price:£1,400.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Spinney Farm Alpacas
Contact Name:Norma Rickards
Telephone Number:07971798138
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Gorgeous Girls
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 lovely weanling girls ready for their big adventure.
Delivery possible.
Price:£2,400.00 (Sterling)

Dumfriesshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hebbs Alpacas
Contact Name:Beverley Morgan
Telephone Number:0771 258 8639
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Light Females (starter herd)
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Group of 3 females. 2 pregnant, due in 2021, the third female would be ready to be mated in 2021.

Price is plus VAT
Price:£5,500.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hebbs Alpacas
Contact Name:Beverley Morgan
Telephone Number:0771 258 8639
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Group of Pet Males
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A lovely group of pet males. All halter trained and good to handle. Have good fleece stats to then be used to make products.
Price:£1,500.00 (Sterling)

East Sussex  (Back To Top)

Contact Name:Caroline Vickery
Telephone Number:01342 825145 or 07740 813 011
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Suri Stud Males
Package Type:Stud Males
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A rare opportunity to purchase a group of three stunning Suri stud males.
Two fawn and one a unique rose grey.

Bred from the best pedigrees including Sierra Bonita's Macgyver and AS Suri Phoenix.
Between them, these boys have won a championship, 7 first places and 7 second places at major national shows.

Their progeny have won 7 reserve championships and 4 championships.

Two of these males have produced rose grey, themselves being out of rose grey and black.

Aged 8, 10 and 16 and, as you would expect, all fully registered as stud males with the British Alpaca Society, micro-chipped, vaccinated and wormed.
From a closed herd.

This is a unique opportunity to purchase three pedigree stud Suri males, with proven track records, at a sensible price.
Price:£4,200.00 (Sterling)

Gloucestershire  (Back To Top)

Contact Name:Roger Mount
Telephone Number:01386 853 841(07711044106)
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Older Pet Males
Package Type:Wethers
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Maserati and Nitestar are long time paddock mates who must go to their new home together. Memphis is a quiet and calm boy who gets along with anyone so we have added him in to make a lovely trio of pet males.
Price:£1,050.00 (Sterling)

Hesse  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Keinhornland
Contact Name:Lea Burk
Telephone Number:+4915155919310
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Anfänger-/Hobbystuten
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Zwei nette ruhige halfterf?hrige Stuten

Breeder/Farm Name:Lahntal Alpakas
Contact Name:Robert Ruppersberg
Telephone Number:+49 (0) 177 267 9833
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Hengste
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 Hengste im Alter zwischen 2 und 4 Jahren. Sie leben gemeinsam ohne Probleme in einer Herde. Sind von guter genetischer Abstammung, halftertauglich und sehr gut zum Alpakawandern geeignet.
Price:€5,500.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Keinhornland
Contact Name:Lea Burk
Telephone Number:+4915155919310
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Hobbystuten
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Junge Hobbystuten - nicht halfterf?hrig

Perfekt f?r Anf?nger

Auch gedeckter Kauf m?glich (+ 500,-? je Stute)
Price:€4,500.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Lahntal Alpakas
Contact Name:Robert Ruppersberg
Telephone Number:+49 (0) 177 267 9833
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stuten
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 Stuten im Alter von ca. 3 Jahren, erfahren im Alpakawandern, gute genetische Abstammung. Sie leben zusammen in einer Herde.
Price:€6,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Keinhornland
Contact Name:Lea Burk
Telephone Number:+4915155919310
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stuten mit Stutfohlen bei Fuß
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Perfektes Anf?ngerpackage mit ruhigen jungen Stuten.
Die Stuten k?nnen auf Wunsch auch gedeckt abgegeben werden (Aufpreis 490,-? je Stute).
Price:€4,900.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Nebelsberg Alpakas
Contact Name:Monika Wagner
Telephone Number:+4917654524001
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stuten TS, Stutfohlen
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Amalia und Liane sind unkomplizierte tragende Stuten.
AvNB Maya ist ein 9 Monate altes abgesetztes Stutfohlen.
Alle drei Stuten sind in der Verkaufsliste auch einzeln aufgef?hrt.
Price:€10,900.00 (Euro)

Kent  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Haguelands Farm
Contact Name:Lara Mcclellan-Dunn
Telephone Number:01303870527
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:females
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:A group of 3 females, all half-sisters. Very friendly and easy to handle, would make ideal field pets or would be good grazers.
Price:£1,200.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Haguelands Farm
Contact Name:Lara Mcclellan-Dunn
Telephone Number:01303870527
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Breeding Females
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Group of three females with great breeding potential, very friendly and easy to handle

Breeder/Farm Name:Haguelands Farm
Contact Name:Lara Mcclellan-Dunn
Telephone Number:01303870527
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Males & 1 Female
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Mixed
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:We have a very friendly group of 3 castrated males & 1 female, all very easy to handle and will eat carrot from hands
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Haguelands Farm
Contact Name:Lara Mcclellan-Dunn
Telephone Number:01303870527
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Mum & Cria
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:White
About this package:Mum 7 years old Cria born 30/05/2024
Price:£8,000.00 (Sterling)

Kronoberg  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Rataryd Alpcka
Contact Name:Rataryd Alpacka
Telephone Number:0706109366
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 fina hingstföl
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours

Lincolnshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:JandJ Alpacas
Contact Name:Martin & Clare Stanger
Telephone Number:01636 626990
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:JandJ Vincent, Leven & Rum
Package Type:Wethers
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Trio of lovely gelded boys.
Price:£2,250.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Tawnymeade Alpaca’s
Contact Name:Danielle
Telephone Number:07788593448
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Starter herd boys & girls
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Due to limited grazing and an anticipated increase in cria births later this summer, we are pleased to present this exceptional package deal.

If you are considering establishing your own herd of male and female alpacas, this opportunity may be of interest to you.

All of our alpacas are registered with the British Alpaca Society and receive regular and up to date husbandry care.

Please note that male and female alpacas must be kept in separate herds unless they are cria at foot.
We offer a free husbandry day for anyone purchasing from us.

The package includes:

- 2 x 1-year-old male alpacas:
- Hobnob (white)
- Bjorn (bay black)

- Female alpacas:
- Juzzie (15 years old, black, with male cria at foot; can be rebred)
- Cerberus (1 week old, brown)
- Flo (9 years old, white; can be bred)
- Frankie (16 years old, non-breeding female)
Price:£4,000.00 (Sterling)

Lower Saxony  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Waytalla Alpakas GmbH
Contact Name:Lars Schlegel
Telephone Number:04141 7865304
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Alpaka Stuten
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Im Kundenauftrag (wg. Zuchtaufgabe) verkaufen wir diese drei Alpaka-Stuten. Eine Anlieferung der Stuten ist im n?heren Umkreis m?glich. Weitere Strecken auf Anfrage.
Price:€9,500.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Herzog-Alpakas GbR
Contact Name:Christina & Andreas Klövekorn
Telephone Number:0151/41882211
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Hobbystuten
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Wir haben 2 super liebe Hobbystuten abzugeben. HERZ Dillon's Secret Love wird jetzt 1 Jahr alt und hat einen Nervenschaden hinterm linken Auge. Sie sieht auf dem Auge nicht so gut (ist aber nicht blind) und schwankt dadurch mit dem Kopf. Sie hat keinerlei Probleme mit dem Gleichgewicht, Orientierung oder ?hnliches. Bis auf das Kopfschwanken ist ihr Verhalten vollkommen normal und unauff?llig.
AHI Miss Elli wird jetzt 3 und hat im Januar ihr 1. Fohlen bekommen. Auf Wunsch kann sie auch gedeckt abgegeben werden. Charakterlich sind die 2 sehr umg?nglich und neugierig dem Menschen gegen?ber.
Beide sind halfterf?hrig, DNA registriert und geimpft.
Da Miss Elli noch ein Fohlen bei Fu? hat, ist eine Abgabe erst ab August m?glich. Der Preis ist inkl. MwSt
Price:€4,500.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Waytalla Alpakas GmbH
Contact Name:Lars Schlegel
Telephone Number:04141 7865304
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Jungstuten halfterführig
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Diese drei Jungstuten suchen vorzugsweise ein gemeinsames neues Zuhause. Sie k?nnen auch gedeckt abgegeben werden.

Gerne bringen wir die Stuten in einem Radius von 60 km von unserem Hof ohne Aufpreis zu ihrem neuen Heugeber. Weitere Entfernungen auf Anfrage m?glich.
Price:€12,500.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Herzog-Alpakas GbR
Contact Name:Christina & Andreas Klövekorn
Telephone Number:0151/41882211
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Stuten
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 super liebe, halfterf?hrige Stuten abzugeben.
Price:€7,300.00 (Euro)

Michigan  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Fibre Finders Alpaca Marketing
Contact Name:Barbara Lang
Telephone Number:1-877-325-7222 toll free
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Black and Grey females
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Both of these females are proven mothers and bred to exceptional males.
Price:$13,000.00 (US Dollar)

North Rhine Westphalia  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:DeLaLuna Alpaca
Contact Name:DeLaLuna Alpaca Busemann
Telephone Number:+492306740840
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:6 Stuten + 1 Fohlen
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:6 Stuten in verschiedenen Farben

DLA Daenerys- gedeckt f?r 2025 - wei? -
DLA Sleepy -schwarz -
DLA Karlotta - light fawn - mit Stutfohlen bei Fuss
DLA Missandei - schwarz -
"DLA" Daisy - tragend f?r 06/2024 - white
Quintessence Marla
Price:€19,900.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Niederrhein Alpaka Otten
Contact Name:Sabine Otten
Telephone Number:01722876995
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stuten in versch. Farben
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Diese "bunte Truppe" ist f?r Alpaka- Einsteiger oder Hobbyhalter perfekt geeignet. Sie sind alle gesund und sehr gut sozialisiert. Jedes Tier hat seinen eigenen Charakter und sie harmonieren sehr gut miteinander. Selbstverst?ndlich muss diese Gruppe nicht in dieser Konstellation bleiben. Es besteht nat?rlich auch die M?glichkeit eine Stuten-Gruppe mit Deckf?higen oder auch tragenden Stuten zu bilden. F?r weitere Infos stehen wir gerne zur Verf?gung.

Breeder/Farm Name:Alpaca Brabant
Contact Name:Kees van de Loo
Telephone Number:+31621488375
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Alpaka-Gruppe Belgien
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Fawn
About this package:Aufgrund des Endes des Hobbys stehen in Belgien 3 Stuten und 1 Fohlen zum Verkauf. Weitere Informationen: Jan van den Hoek (Alpaca Holland) +31(0)653378244
Price:€6,500.00 (Euro)

North Yorkshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:ALPACA ALPACA in the Leven Valley
Contact Name:Deb Watt
Telephone Number:07976535310
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Trio of females
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:The group consists of an open experienced female and 2 pregnant maidens. Dark fawn, fawn and white. Healthy well grown, confident and friendly girls with excellent genetics.
Price:£4,500.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Sheriff Alpacas
Contact Name:Caroline Barugh
Telephone Number:07884430958
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:pregnant females
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 fantastic females to start a herd or add to existing herd. A great opportunity to access new genetics in the UK . Two of the females are pregnant to OLD Massimo D Amour and the other to our champion male import Silverstream Ozone of Sheriff.
Price:£7,500.00 (Sterling)

Northamptonshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Abbots Lea Alpacas
Contact Name:Ali
Telephone Number:07970 990346
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Lovely Boys
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Ready for new homes. Delivery possible
Price:£1,500.00 (Sterling)

Nottinghamshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Chestnut Farm Alpacas
Contact Name:Kay Kirk and Daron Cram
Telephone Number:07775924681
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Starter herd of proven females
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:This package consists of three lovely breeding females who have all produced some lovely cria for us.
All three of these girls will be sold with a mating to our Light Brown Stud Male Inca Nobleman.
These females are all proven mothers and all feed their cria well.
Some of our Inca Nobleman cria can be seen here on farm, his very first offspring is our multiple prize winning Light Fawn Male Chestnut Farm Alchemist.
Another of Nobleman's offspring is our young White Male Chestnut Farm Mr Whiteley who won 1st Junior White Male, Champion White Male and Supreme Champion Huacaya at the Northumberland County Show 2024.
Price:£3,650.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Chestnut Farm Alpacas
Contact Name:Kay Kirk and Daron Cram
Telephone Number:07775924681
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Trio of castrated white boys
Package Type:Wethers
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:White
About this package:This package consists of three lovely castrated white boys, Fleckie, Thor and Legacy.
They are all halter trained and easy to handle and all produce a lovely usable fleece.
They are all up to date with all husbandry and vaccinations and come with a printout of their medical history.
All Alpacas will have a FEC done before leaving for their new home.
We offer full after sales support and advice
Price:£1,650.00 (Sterling)

Ontario  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hilltop Oasis Alpacas
Contact Name:Helen Huk & Stefan Huzan
Telephone Number:807 767 2458
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:BOGO! Buy 1 Male, Get 1 Free
Package Type:Mixed Males
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:An excellent opportunity add proven herdsires and young unproven junior herdsires to your breeding program. Create your own unique package of males with notable, proven genetics and dense, white, colored fleece.

This package is designed for new breeders and established farms alike. Its a great opportunity to acquire high quality males to improve your foundation stock for several generations at a very reasonable cost.

Bloodlines offered in this package include:

RFA Turk/Jolimont Peruvian Ivano, Victor's Vaccoyo/Pperuvian Victor, Jolimont Peruvian Sweet William, DLA Thunderbolt/White Lightning, Pperuvian Guellermo, Pperuvian Vengador & Jolimont Peruvian Alpamayo.

Select 2 males that best fit your breeding program; the lowest priced will be free of charge.

Breeder/Farm Name:Hilltop Oasis Alpacas
Contact Name:Helen Huk & Stefan Huzan
Telephone Number:807 767 2458
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Bred Females (ARI/CLAA)
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Add some superb female alpacas to your herd, in white and brown. We have evaluated our herd and decided its time to offer up some of our best females for sale.

This package of two bred females offers alpaca breeders an opportunity to 'Get More for Less' - Superb alpacas from proven, championship bloodlines.

This group includes 2 quality females, Ballerina, a proven female, and Kaffe, both bred for 2012. Both girls are dual registered, ARI & CLAA.

Bloodlines in this package include an impressive list of renowned champion lines:

- HP High Plains Amadeus
- DLA Peruvian Thunderbolt/P3 White Lightning, and
- Jolimont Peruvian Alpamayo

Ballerina has been bred to Americano's HemiAccoyo Llywelyn, a fawn coloured son of a multiple champion, for a 2012 cria. Kaffe has been bred to Birchleaf Xxtreme, a true black Reserve Champion.

We provide full after sales support and breeding guarantees. Financing is available.
Price:$6,500.00 (Canadian Dollar)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hilltop Oasis Alpacas
Contact Name:Helen Huk & Stefan Huzan
Telephone Number:807 767 2458
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Show Girls! Bred, 4-in-1
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Maximize the return on your investment by incorporating females from proven, champion bloodlines into your herd. If you are striving for perfection and breeding for superb whites, this package may be of interest to you.

We have decided it's time to offer up some of our best production females for sale and have put together a few select packages.

This group includes 2 ribbon winning females, Snow Angel and Kassia. Both girls are proven, dual registered, ARI & CLAA, and bred for 2012 crias. These breedings should produce colour, as both service sires are coloured.

Bloodlines in this package include an impressive list of renowned lines:

- Peruvian Vengador
- Victor's Vaccoyo/Pperuvian Victor
- Jolimont Peruvian Alpamayo
- DLA Peruvian Thunderbolt/P3 White Lightning

Snow Angel is bred to Americano's HemiAccoyo Llywelyn, a full Peruvian, Victor's HemiAccoyo Americano son, for a 2012 cria. Kassia is bred to Birchleaf XXtreme, a Reserve Champion winner.

Financing is available and we will assist in arranging transportation from our farm to yours.

We stand behind all of our sales and provide full breeding guarantees and after sales support.
Price:$10,000.00 (Canadian Dollar)

Oxfordshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:JADE Alpaca Ranch
Contact Name:Jacquie
Telephone Number:07841562024
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Female Genetic Jackpot
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Introducing an extraordinary group of breeding females, each possessing exceptional qualities that set them apart in the alpaca world. Whether you are looking to get started, or improve your herd, with a combination of remarkable genetics from award winning breeders around the UK, outstanding fleece characteristics, and gentle temperaments, these alpacas form a herd of unparalleled quality.

From Molina's fine and uniform fleece to Safiya's bundling crimp, from Tahlia's economic value to Vintage's show-winning potential, from Venus' readiness for breeding, to Keela's excellent genetics, and from Vixen's proven success to Chino's remarkable density, each alpaca brings something unique and valuable to the group.

Their excellent genetics run deep, with pedigrees that boast carefully selected lineages known for passing on superior traits. This remarkable genetic legacy ensures that their offspring inherit the best qualities, from high-density fleece to low micron counts and remarkable crimp structures.

But it's not just their genetics that make this group exceptional. Their friendly and gentle temperaments create a harmonious environment for both caretakers and fellow alpacas. Their energetic and playful spirits add a touch of liveliness to every interaction, making them a joy to be around.

With bright and dense fleeces, excellent crimp patterns, and a proven track record of success, this group of breeding females is an investment in quality and potential. Whether you're looking to enhance your breeding program, expand your fiber production, or simply enjoy the companionship of these magnificent animals, this herd offers an extraordinary opportunity.

Don't miss the chance to welcome this remarkable group of breeding females into your alpaca family. Contact us today to secure these outstanding alpacas and embark on a journey of excellence, guided by their superior genetics and exceptional traits. With this group of breeding females, you'll have a herd that represents the epitome of quality and promises a future of success.
Price:£27,000.00 (Sterling)

Poitou-Charentes  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Dreamwork Alpacas
Contact Name:Julian Southern
Telephone Number:06 04 175801
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Young intact males
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 young, intact males. All used to each other. All halter teained and used to being handled. Would make good starter herd.
3 jeunes m?les entiers. Tous entra?n?s au licou. Habitu?s ? ?tre manipul?s. Ils feraient un bon troupeau de d?part.
Price:€2,500.00 (Euro)

Salzberg  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Wolfgangsee Alpakas
Contact Name:Alexander Eisl
Telephone Number:06509152954
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stuten, verschiedene Farben
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Das Paket besteht aus insgesamt 5 weiblichen Tieren (AHL Bronze Chloe mit Stutfohlen bei Fu?, AHL Cayenne, WOSEA Cajetana, WOSEA Vaiana)

Saxony  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:MIRIQUIDI-fine black alpacas
Contact Name:Wolfgang Eckardt
Telephone Number:037292 21951
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:herrlich weiche Wanderburschen
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:2 Hobbyhengste im Paket, welche noch dazu eine hervorragende Wolle liefern.
Eventuell mit einem schwarzen Jungtier aus 2023 erg?nzbar.
Price:€3,300.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Alpakas von der Winkler-Ranch
Contact Name:Bernd und Heike Winkler
Telephone Number:034348 54793
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Zuchtstuten mit Hengstfohlen
Package Type:Females with cria at foot
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Da wir unsere Zucht beenden, geben wir die meisten unserer Tiere ab. In diesem Angebot gibt es 3 tolle Stuten mit guter Abstammung und ihren diesj?hrigen Hengstfohlen. Die Stuten w?re auch f?r Anf?nger geeignet. Noch sind unsere Deckhengste bei uns und somit k?nnten wir die Stuten auch belegen. Die Hengstfohlen haben unterschiedliche V?ter. Auch das ist interessant f?r die Zukunft. Im Paket k?nnen 500,-? gespart werden.
Price:€10,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Bebuquin Alpakas
Contact Name:Alexander Zimmeck
Telephone Number:03429649696
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Als Paket bieten wir unsere beiden Appaloosa Stuten KOKO und KALYPSO, die im Sommer 2023 geboren wurden. Details in den Einzelangeboten.

Breeder/Farm Name:Alpakahof Remler
Contact Name:Matthias Remler
Telephone Number:0173/3808252
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Suri Hengste
Package Type:Studs
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Gern m?chten wir unsere beiden Suri Hengste Kimo und Kalle gemeinsam in liebevolle H?nde abgeben.

Beide sind auf unserem Hof geboren, sind gechipt, entwurmt, geimpft und AZVD registiert. Details sind den einzelnen Anzeigen zu entnehmen.

F?r weitere Fragen rufen Sie uns gern unter 0173 3808252 an oder senden uns eine Email an
Price:€3,500.00 (Euro)

Saxony Anhalt  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Elbenhof Alpaka
Contact Name:Sabine Wald / Frank Skorek
Telephone Number:015259569365
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Suri Jungstuten
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Zwei sehr h?bsche, qualitativ sehr hochwertige Suri Jungstuten suchen einen neuen Heugeber.
Pedigree - peruanisch-australische Abstammung
Price:€14,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Alpakahof Buctum
Contact Name:Birgit Florian-Goroll
Telephone Number:01728010802
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Stute mit Cria
Package Type:Females with cria at foot
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Graue Stute Paula mit Cria bei Fuss kann auch im Package mit einer weiteren Stute aus unserer Gruppe ausziehen. Mehr Informationen auf Anfrage.

Breeder/Farm Name:Elbenhof Alpaka
Contact Name:Sabine Wald / Frank Skorek
Telephone Number:015259569365
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Suri Absetzer Stuten
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Beige
About this package:Den Einstieg in eine hochwertige Suri Zucht leicht gemacht. Drei wundervolle korrekte Jungstuten mit bester Abstammung suchen ein neues Zuhause.
Halfterf?hrig, netter Charakter , bewollt vom Kopf bis zu den Zehen. Feinheit und SD TOP .
Wir berechnen 9% Mwst...
Price:€21,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Elbenhof Alpaka
Contact Name:Sabine Wald / Frank Skorek
Telephone Number:015259569365
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:4 Suri Absetzer Stuten
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Fawn , Genotypisch grau , true black
4 Suri Jungstuten von h?chster Qualit?t .
Ein sehr seltenes ideales Suri Einsteiger Angebot .
Price:€30,000.00 (Euro)

Shropshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Frankly Alpacas
Contact Name:John Franklin-Hackett
Telephone Number:+447535660611
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Two Suri Wethers
Package Type:Wethers
Package Breed Type:Suri
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:We are reducing our herd size following an influx of cria last year and paddock management issues. As a result, have two lovely Suri boys available for a new home.

One is registered as Solid Light Fawn, the other as Beige.

Both are registered as Listed / Non-breeding with the BAS, are up to date with vitamin boosters & vaccinations and have recently been wormed.

We have husbandry records for the entire period of our ownership that we will pass on to new owners.

The boys have very charismatic personalities and are very much a double act, which is why they must be sold together. They've been entertaining visitors to our farm for the last three years and are great fun to work with.

Can deliver depending upon location.

Please contact me if you'd like to know more.
Price:£750.00 (Sterling)

Staffordshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Meadow View
Contact Name:Edit & Rob
Telephone Number:079553385
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:mixed females
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Mixed heard of eight females, various ages from 1yr to 16yr. Will split if smaller or starter heard wanted.
Various colours. All of the girls are up to date with vaccination.
3 females had crias, 1 boy and 2 girls. Sire is Amber Valley Wizard
Price:£10,000.00 (Sterling)

Suffolk  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hilly Ridge Alpacas
Contact Name:Jo Bridge
Telephone Number:07703005447
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Young females
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:This is a nice affordable package of breeding females with a mixture of colours
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Hilly Ridge Alpacas
Contact Name:Jo Bridge
Telephone Number:07703005447
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:mother and daughter
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:We would
Love these two to go to a new home together . Mother and daughter and they would
Offer a great package for a dark or grey breeder
Price:£3,250.00 (Sterling)

Thuringia  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Alpakas & Lamas vom Roten Berg
Contact Name:Michelle Dinter
Telephone Number:015141239669
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Braune Jungstuten
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Brown
About this package:Am liebsten m?chten wir unsere beiden Jungstuten Peanut und Bayala gemeinsam in eine neue Herde abgeben, weshalb wir dies mit einem Preisvorteil belohnen m?chten.
Price:€3,800.00 (Euro)

Upper Austria  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Sweet Home Alpacas
Contact Name:Wilma Aigenstuhler & Alfred Lindinger
Telephone Number:00436763575520
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:4 Stuten
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Wir w?rden uns freuen, wenn unsere Stuten zusammen bleiben k?nnten und bieten daher ein verg?nstigtes Package an.
AHL Fleurette - tr?chtige Stute
SWH Fiona - Stute, auf Wunsch Deckung m?glich!
SWH Iceprincess - tr?chtige Stute
SWH Trickarda - Stute
Price:€15,500.00 (Euro)

Warwickshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Faerie Tale Alpacas
Contact Name:Kierti Vaidya
Telephone Number:07950671672
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:8 Coloured Females 2 cria
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:We are reducing our herd size so offering this amazing starter herd of coloured females offering good solid genetics from some of the top lines in the UK.
This package is a mixture of 4 experienced breeding females (2 with cria at foot), 1 younger female expecting her first cria in 2025 and 3 open yearlings.
8 females and 2 in total. The 3 females with cria will be remated to one of our grey stud males.

All fully registered with BAS, halter trained and easy to handle and fully up to date with all husbandry.

Based in Warwickshire but can often deliver.
Price:£10,400.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Faerie Tale Alpacas
Contact Name:Kierti Vaidya
Telephone Number:07950671672
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:2 Fawn females and 1 cria
Package Type:Females with cria at foot
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Fawn
About this package:2 lovely young Fawn females both sired by champion grey male Limestone Aztec.

Titania comes with her female cria at foot a lovely multi. She will shortly be mated to our new rose grey male Summerhaze Solace. Titania is an excellent dam and produces a ton of milk.

Artemis is due at the end of July 2024 and is pregnant to our dark grey male Brampton Valley Theodore who has produced many greys for us and even appoloosa.

Proven breeders from quality lines. Excellent opportunity to acquire coloured genetics at a sensible price.

All females fully halter trained, easy to handle, registered with BAS and up to date with all husbandry.
Price:£3,950.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Willoughby Alpacas
Contact Name:Jeremy Stocker
Telephone Number:01788 890920
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Female starter package
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Five breeding females offered for sale at an attractive price due to owners re-locating abroad.
Price:£2,500.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Faerie Tale Alpacas
Contact Name:Kierti Vaidya
Telephone Number:07950671672
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 Females and 2 cria
Package Type:Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Wonderful package of three high quality pregnant coloured females. All 3 have proven to be excellent mothers with plenty of milk and easy birthers.

Solid genetics at a reasonable price including Accoyo Remarque, EPC Navigator and Streslecki Of EPC.
Perfect starter herd for breeders wishing to produce quality colour.

Fantastic mix of black, fawn and brown. These girls carry grey genetics and are all pregnant to our grey stud male Brampton Valley Theodore who has produced many greys for us and even appoloosa!

All females fully halter trained, easy to handle, registered with BAS and up to date with all husbandry.

Full after sales care, based in Warwickshire and can often deliver.
Price:£6,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Faerie Tale Alpacas
Contact Name:Kierti Vaidya
Telephone Number:07950671672
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:3 yearling females
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Fantastic package of 3 black and brown yearling females.

Would make a wonderful starter herd for breeders wishing to produce quality colour.

These girls offer excellent genetics at a very affordable price.
Only offered as we are very short of grazing.

Well handled, fully registered, halter trained and up to date with all husbandry.
Price:£2,200.00 (Sterling)

West Flanders  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Cuerna Alpaca farm
Contact Name:
Telephone Number:+32475442159
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:prachtig starterspakket
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 musketiers van prachtige veulens
2 merries en potentiele dekhengst
Price:€6,000.00 (Euro)

Breeder/Farm Name:Cuerna Alpaca farm
Contact Name:
Telephone Number:+32475442159
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Cuerna Elvire en Gust
Package Type:Starter Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:Merrie met potentieel hengstveulen
Price:€3,250.00 (Euro)

West Sussex  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Moralee Alpaca
Contact Name:Claire Holloway
Telephone Number:07809731164
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:A Trio of 3 Year Old Females
Package Type:Non-Pregnant Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:White
About this package:A fabulous trio of young females ready to be mated next year.

These girls bring a long line of impressive genetics from well known bloodlines at Bozedown Alpacas and Snowmass.

Halter trained and easy to handle with lovely, distinctive personalities.
Price:£4,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Moralee Alpaca
Contact Name:Claire Holloway
Telephone Number:07809731164
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Amelia, Venus and Charlotte
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:White
About this package:These three breeding females are a great choice for your starter herd or to join your existing herd.

Venus and Charlotte had female cria in 2021 and Venus a male, which you are able to view. Both alpaca have proved to be excellent mothers with trouble free births.
Price:£4,000.00 (Sterling)

Wigtownshire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:East Challoch Farm
Contact Name:Joan Waugh
Telephone Number:07900 288943
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:females
Package Type:General Mixed Package
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:2 girls both born 2022
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)

Worcestershire  (Back To Top)

Breeder/Farm Name:Blackstone Meadow Alpacas
Contact Name:Paul Carpenter
Telephone Number:07985 240002
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Female weanlings
Package Type:Mixed Females
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:2 x female weanlings
1 x brown with black trimmings
1 x mid fawn
6 months old
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Blackstone Meadow Alpacas
Contact Name:Paul Carpenter
Telephone Number:07985 240002
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:Pregnant female & female cria
Package Type:Females with cria at foot
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Black
About this package:Pregnant female (black) & female cria at foot (black with white face, grey neck & 4 white socks
Price:£5,000.00 (Sterling)

Breeder/Farm Name:Blackstone Meadow Alpacas
Contact Name:Paul Carpenter
Telephone Number:07985 240002
Email:Click Here To Contact
Package Name:male weanlings intact
Package Type:Young Males (Intact)
Package Breed Type:Huacaya
Package Colour:Mixed Colours
About this package:3 x male weanlings 6 months old
1 x grey, 1 x spotty, 1 x bay black
Price:£2,000.00 (Sterling)