Who We AreOrrapoora Alpacas, established in 1994, is owned and managed by Helen and Nestor Ellinopoullos, and their children Kristi and Jason. Orrapoora Alpacas is a division of Airlie Group Holdings Pty Limited.The name ?Orrapoora? is a Central Australian Aboriginal word meaning ?Australian Magpie? (Gymnorhina tibicen).After much searching, we decided that the Goulburn region in NSW provided the perfect climate for our alpacas and we found our ideal farm just outside the city of Goulburn. We brought our animals here in early 1998Although we have now sold all our breeding stock, we still handle sales of animals for other breeders and are still involved in exports.
Latest News Last Updated: 14th of April 2014:
8th AprilVale The Don.15th February 2009As we are now in closing down mode, we are offering most of our herd at heavily reduced prices. Proven breeding females, (some colours, mainly solid white, both empty and pregnant), and weanling/maiden females, with prices starting from $770. If required, all empty females come with a free mating to top quality males.We also have two young solid white males of stud quality, ready to work now, guaranteed fertile?$1,650 each.One multiple ribbon winning certified male, very even light/medium grey, compact in size, and ready to work?$2,500.Young wethers and wether quality white males $220 each.
Discount for multiples purchased. Make an offer.All quoted prices include GST and transfer fees for animals sold over $1,000.Apart from wethers all alpacas are dual registered in AAR and IAR.Visits and inspections welcome. Interstate transportation easily arranged.31st July 2008Alpacas in China.10th June 2008Introducing Orrapoora Ridotto.9th May 2008Some prefer the lucerne hay in the troughs and some prefer the oaten hay ad lib!9th April 2008Show of the Month4th March 2008Andromeda Jordi13th February 2008Thank you Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.9th January 2008Orrapoora GREEN3rd December 2007Sofia Veronica Valle-Ellinopoullos12th November 2007Well on the way to recovery.8th October 2007A tough little boy.6th September 200785!11th August 2007Like father like son!2nd July 2007Rain comes to Airlie.11th June 2007Rambo, the Big Merino at Goulburn NSW is Sheep of the Month.27th May 2007Auction Sunday 17th June 2007.Flyer with details available here (PDF, new window, 795KB)Full Auction Catalogue available here (PDF, new window, 1.87MB).5th May 2007Our latest Alpacas of the Month are Rheala and Valentina, a three in one package available in our upcoming auction.1st May 200731st March 2007Orrapoora?s second Orrapoora-born appaloosa!March 2007February crias are Orrapoora?s Alpacas of the Month.February 2007Alpaca of the Month is Orrapoora?s first Orrapoora-born appaloosa, Orrapoora Scribbles.3rd December 2006Vale Spock.6th November 2006Shearing is over for another year.30th September 2006Ringo and Trumpeter.5th September 2006Kit Kat and Wally.29th August 2006Jay Harley has presented Orrapoora with this incredible cartoon of Helen and Nestor working on the farm (right). Have a look at Jay?s other work and feel free to contact her if you are interested in a caricature or two.1st August 2006Ezra, Reuben, Lazarus and Cyprus are now grown up and enjoy their daily walk with their ?Pied Piper Pete?.8th July 2006Nestor is running for President of the Australian Alpaca Association. If you are a member of the AAA, please consider the document Candidates for Election to National Committee 2006 recently sent out by the AAA to all members and cast your vote by no later than 4pm EST on Friday, 11th August 2006.Nestor?s Candidate Statement and supporting statements by Penny Pittard, John Pittard, Raymond Haynes, David de Burgh and Pauline Nugent can be seen here.Ian Watt, the Immediate Past President of the Australian Alpaca Association, has strongly endorsed Nestor?s nomination and has publicly issued a Letter of Support for Nestor to be the next President of the AAA. If you are a AAA member and would like to receive a copy of Ian Watt's letter, please email orrapoora@orrapoora.com.au2nd July 2006Alpaca of the Month: a lovely lady with a beautiful histogram.8th June 2006Alpaca of the Month: a tribute to Our Jack10th May 2006Runt of the Month4th April 2006Due to on-going and worsening drought conditions (we are now into our fifth year) we are anxious to reduce our animal numbers and have slashed our prices - all wethers and wether-quality males now reduced by 25% to $330 each, including GST.We will also be heavily reducing our prices for females. Please keep an eye on our SALES pages for some upcoming bargains.1st April 2006Cyprus, Ezra, Lazarus and Reuben arrive at their new home at Marulan.1st March 2006Orrapoora?s Dog of the Month is sadly missed.10th February 2006Orrapoora?s website has been given a facelift and is now integrated with AlpacaSeller - data from the AlpacaSeller account displays in Orrapoora?s website seamlessly.1st February 2006Shearers? Cook of the Month.1st January 2006Alpaca of the Month - another new boy in town.31st December 2005We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2006.
Services Offered by this Breeder
Stud Services:
Yes The maximum distance we will travel for a mobile mating is a 100 km round trip from Orrapoora. Travel is free if more than one mating on the one trip, otherwise charged at 55c per km.
Backup/Support Services:
Yes We provide full back up and on-going advice for new (and old) breeders.
Yes For overseas buyers, we are still involved in the export of alpacas and can handle all your needs from advising and sourcing animals to your specifications to arranging pre-export quarantine and health requirements in Australia to international air transport to the entry point in your particular country. Enquiries are always welcome.