9 coronation rise
gt waldingfield
sudbury suffolk Driving Directions: In north essex details given by appointment. Just off the A120 no country lanes our end! Find us on facebook!
Here at Attfield Alpacas, All our Alpacas are BAS registered. We are devote in quality Suri & huacaya alpacas, for fleece production & breeding, captivating art projects from there luxury fleeces. All of our Attfield Alpacas over 6 months are halter trained and well handled ( local vet Ami swaran confirmed it with us when she used our animals for research project). We keep a small herd to be able to spend quality time with each and every alpacas needs, husbandry checks are done minimally every month and as needed. We hold excellent notes, supported by local vets. Which a copy and contract is supplied with every sale. We are successful in halter and fleece shows to prove the quality of our alpacas. Even to the high standards of the national alpaca show.
We?re passionate about the right support and guidance pre and after sales with free husbandry lessons for the novice owners! We all have to start somewhere! If we don?t have the answer were find it for you! We have done many courses in alpacas and animal weal fair with other amazing breeders, were competent in passing this onto our customers.
We?re a closed farm and use copra for our sales. Our workforce is owned and run by a disabled family, we believe in people and most people can do anything they might have to do it differently or take longer. We believe in people and our animals. One day to open a care farm. :) Helping careers and disabled people into work!