Turpin's Hill Farmhouse
Heddon on the Wall
Northumberland Fahrtwegbeschreibung: Please see the 'Contact' page on our website for directions http://barnacre-alpacas.co.uk/contact
Your alpacas should be exactly what you want, and we will do our very best to help you find the alpacas of your dreams.
Barnacre Alpacas was founded in February 2007 after three years research into these enchanting animals. Many hours of studying and farm visits bought us to the conclusion that we wanted to pursue the alpaca dream. With no farming background the learning curve has been very steep, we started with 3 pregnant females and 2 acres of land. Our herd has grown with imports, some great alpacas from around the UK and over 300 births.
To continue our alpaca dream, we sold up in 2011 and then bought a 220 acre Northumbrian hill where we built our new house and purpose built alpaca buildings called Liberty Hill Farm. It wasn't easy, to begin with the caravan we were living in rolled down the hill and exploded!
In July 2017 we moved again. This time to the beautiful Tyne Valley and the idyllic Turpin's Hill Farm. We're just 2 mins off the A69 and 10 miles West of Newcastle - but it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere! We have 2 holiday cottage on the farm that you can stay at for the best alpaca experience ever! https://barnacre-alpacas.co.uk/holiday_cottages
Each of our alpacas is known by name and their friendly individual personalities are recognised. We are using their magnificent fleece to produce a variety of quality handcrafted products, made by Debbie, her mum and two friends.
We offer full support, training courses, alpaca blog, elite genetics stud services and online shop.
Visitors are welcome, by appointment please. Debbie and Paul Rippon.
Neuigkeiten Zuletzt aktualisiert: 24/01/2023:
With the 2022 birthing season fast approaching we can't but help think about the various mating decisions we've made with our boys and girls! Fingers crossed we will have around 80 cria this year!
For those of you who aren?t familiar with Sunburst, he is bred from a family of elite Australian champions and is himself a five times undefeated champion. Four different BAS Judges at 5 different shows, both halter and fleece shows and colour and age champions (highly impressive for a grey).
To celebrate his five championship wins we are offering a drive by mating rate of £500 to 5 customers, with no limit on the number of matings per customer, we would request that a deposit of £100 is paid per mating.
In addition to this exclusive rate, our returning female discount of £100 and multiple mating discounts apply, studs can be mixed to obtain multiple mating discounts, see our website or contact us for details.
Thanks to everyone who came to see us at North Shields Victorian Christmas fayre - hope to see you next year if not before!
Our Shepherd's hut is now open on farm - please visit us to buy your knitwear!
Wyona Sunburst of Karkawarri, our Rose Grey stud is now an undefeated quintuple (5 times) Grey Champion in the UK!!!
Wyona Sunburst of Karkawarri, our new Rose Grey stud, himself a Triple Champion and bred from a family of champions, is ready and waiting to meet your beautiful alpaca girls!
We love the Border Union show at Kelso!
Our very special elite white stud male, Wellground Legend of Spartacus of Barnacre Alpacas who was 2009 Scotish National Fleece Show Supreme Champion has now delivered with his progeny.
Barnacre Casiphia was 1st intermediate white female, champion white, best of British and Supreme Champion. She just edged out her half brother (same sire), Barnacre Niveous!
Barnacre Sandstorm was 1st adult fawn and champion fawn.
Barnacre Meketaten was 1st intermediate brown female, champion brown and Reserve Supreme Champion - pretty special for a brown! Her sire is our delightful and charming brown stud, Golden Guinea.
Visitors are welcome to see the results of our breeding for themselves.
The 2011 Scottish National Fleece show was great too! We entered 5 fleeces with highlights being 1st adult white, Barnacre Lualeni with a cracking score of 83.5 in a huge class of 14. Also, 1st junior brown with Barnacre Meketaten with an amazing score of 75.5 beating many white elite fleeces. Barnacre Casiphia from our elite stud, Legend of Spartacus was awarded 2nd junior white in a huge class of 25 achieving a cracking score of 80.5!
Kind regards,
Debbie and Paul Rippon
Barnacre Alpacas
Tel: (01830) 520276
email: info@barnacre-alpacas.co.uk
Offerierte Dienstleistungen von diesem Züchter
Ja £24 including VAT per animal (including any cria at foot) per week. Please let us know of any special husbandry requirements and ensure we have contact details for you in case of need. In the event of veterinary attention, the owner, who we will try and contact immediately, will meet all costs.
Ja Our stud service terms and conditions are detailed on our website at http://barnacre-alpacas.co.uk/elite-stud, please contact us if you have any questions.
Ja 24 hour contact details available. Debbie never sleeps!
Kann Finanzierung anbieten:
Ja Credit available on request and subject to vetting.
Bietet Kurse an:
Ja We offer you two initial bits of advice (as well as go for it of course!) based on our years of experience and the fact that before we bred alpacas we both had office jobs and the biggest animal we were responsible for was a cat from the RSPCA! We now have a herd of around 300 friendly champion alpacas including 5 Supreme Champions, numerous Champions, Reserve Champions and first places; not bad eh?!
1. Alpacas will capture your heart and/or can be a great and enjoyable business venture. They are fleece producing animals and so it is sensible to invest in good quality alpacas, anything else will be false economy (we can explain why and save you a lot of time and money…).
2. Alpacas are generally shy and nervous although regular handling from a young age and trust with their ‘keepers’ can make them friendly and much more manageable. Make sure you know that after you buy your alpacas you’re going to get the support you might need.
Verkauft Alpaka Garn/Strickwaren:
Ja Please visit our online shop at http://barnacre-alpacas.co.uk/shop or contact us with any questions or special requests.
Alpaka Vlies zu Verkaufen:
Ja Occasional fleeces are for sale, not many though because we use them!