We run a herd of quality, Huacaya and Suri alpacas, Llamas and Babydoll sheep. Our main focus is on breeding alpacas in a range of colours on well conformed animals with lustrous, dense and fine fleece. We breed and sell these quality alpacas at competitive market prices to the stud, pet and commercial markets.
Our family farm and alpaca stud is located on the Southern Highlands of New South Wales just 15 minutes from Crookwell. Incamon consists of 185 acres of rich alluvial soil covered with native grasses which supports our farming of a variety of animals.
We are always inviting and enjoy chatting about anything alpaca, we offer honest, practical advice, genuine support and welcome new people to the alpaca world. Our offer includes; alpaca sales, special payment terms, discounts on packages, great support, stud services, shearing, agistment and also have alpaca fleece available for purchase in a range of natural colours.
Regardless of what you are aiming to get from alpacas, we specialize in assisting you realise your dream.
All our stud animals are registered with the Australian Alpaca Association.
Farm visitors are welcome subject to prior arrangements. Visitors receive a free no obligation information pack.
So welcome to Incamon Alpacas and we hope that you enjoy browsing through our site and learning more about our wonderful farm and alpaca experience.
Neuigkeiten Zuletzt aktualisiert: 05/08/2014:
Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 30th January 2009
Last night at 7.25pm "Rondul Park Black April" gave birth, unaided, to 2 healthy male crias 15 minutes apart. Cria No.1 (so far unnamed) weighed in at 4.6kg and No.2 at 6.1kg. Proud dad, "Bryanna Kimba" looked on capturing the beautiful moment.
Michael was on the spot and was talking to Richard on the phone when No.2 appeared. After the initial shock it was a sleepless night ensuring the little guys and mum were okay. Michael was up until 3am and thought it was safe for some shuteye and then at 6.30am found that No.2 had somehow got his front legs into the drinking bucket and got stuck there so the hair dryer came out and the thermal blanket went on and all was well. The vet was called to provide a health check this morning and gave a clean bill of health to mum and both crias.
Michael still has his hands full getting April to accept both crias and getting No.2 to suckle off mum but he's getting there with a lot of patience and persistence. We have given them a little milk supplement to ensure their ongoing health. The next 24 hours will be critical, especially for No.2, but the vet seemed to think that they will be okay and go on to be normal healthy alpacas.
We are so excited!!!!! To say the least!!!
We have been told that twins are rare with only about 1 in 50,000 births result in twins.
A photo is now available http://www.incamonalpacas.com.au/criagallery.php
Best regards
Richard & Robin
Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 31st January 2009
?WE HAD TWINS? Continued...
The twins are now 2 days old and have left the Incamon Hospital (The shed) this afternoon to be with other mums and bubs. Michael reports that No.1 is full of beans and was sprinting around the yard while No.2 is active enough he prefers to take it a little slower. Mum has accepted both crias and is now fully feeding them. Michael offered them a supplementary bottle this morning but was rejected outright.
Michael is now monitoring their behaviors to ensure the Cria?s get enough milk and that they stay as a family unit.
These twins are believed to be the eleventh set of huacaya twins to be born and registered in Australia.
Sorry no names decided as yet.
Photos available at http://www.incamonalpacas.com.au/criagallery.php
More updates later...
Best regards
Richard & Robin
Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 2nd Feb 2009
?WE HAD TWINS? Continued...
Sad news i'm afraid. On the Saturday night No.2 was unwell and the vet was called on Sunday morning however later we received the sad news that he had passed. He had a very weak heart & lungs, and appeared to have contracted pneumonia.
After all the hipe of having twins we are very saddened by his illness & passing.
We ended up calling No.1 Eik (pronounced Ike) and No.2 Elk. Eik & Elk
April and Eik are both fine with no complications whatsoever.
Best regards
Richard & Robin
Incamon Alpaca Stud - News 6th Feb 2009
On Wednesday 4th Feb Willa gave birth to a lovely 7.5kg brown girl. both are healthy. Not twins but another Precious one helps the healing process.
Best regards
Richard & Robin
Offerierte Dienstleistungen von diesem Züchter
Ja Alpacas need to be shorn (de-fleeced) each year in spring, usually in September or October. Shearing is a very important part of your annual husbandry maintenance schedule and to have your alpacas shorn by a shearer who is also an alpaca owner, using state of the art equipment in a dedicated shearing facility is a huge advantage.
Incamon has undertaken significant research to develop a shear that reduces stress on the alpacas and the handlers. We wanted a system whereby the alpaca is the priority and a process that allows me (the shearer) to devote additional time to the alpaca and the quality of the shear, and hence improve the value of the fleece. Safety was a must.
We developed a unique dedicated shearing shed setup with a modern and functional fit out. Alpaca owners bring their alpacas to us to shear. We find this is safer and much more acceptable and humane.
Among the many features, you will find a specially engineered pneumatic lift shearing table which reduces stress on the alpaca and the handlers. The extra low loading position allows for lifting the alpaca from the cush position as well as standing position.
The table uses a pneumatic ram to do the lifting providing for a slow continuous motion instead of the handlers lifting and shoving, thus reducing stress, back injury and physical capability requirement. There is much less stress on the alpaca and the handlers. Injuries from kicking back feet of alpacas are notorious and can be avoided when lifting with this unique design. The alpaca can be rotated on the table so we can shear both sides.
We have easy access unloading and loading; under cover yards with fresh water troughs; skirting table; overhead shearing machine delivering more constant power to the shears; and a sharpening grinder. Additionally, we have alpaca weight scales and a well-designed alpaca crush for those other husbandry activities which all complement our innovative shearing facility. We cater for all types of transport vehicles including a truck unloading / loading ramp.
We charge a very competitive rate per alpaca which includes: shearing; teeth check; toe nail trim (Pedicure); AD&E injection and 5 in 1 vaccine. Drenching is additional and only if requested. Fleeces are individually bagged, labelled and returned to the owner. We can arrange transport at an additional fee if you cannot bring them in.
We normally send an email out during August each year to remind our regular customers to call us to make a booking that suits you and us. If you know of any other alpaca owners that need their alpacas shorn we are happy to do those as well.
To book your alpaca shearing please Call Richard on 0418 972 233 or email us. You will be amazed by the quality shearmanship.
We accept all major credit cards, direct bank deposit, and cash.