Nero has been a challenge! He is lovely to be a round, calm, interested and willing to be close when you are in the barn, however he doesn't like his head being handled, so he is not yet head collar training. Further Camelidynamics training is ongoing. despite this he is easy to live with and do routine husbandry with, I think he will be rose grey from the way his colour is changing as he matures.
Mullacott Alpacas is a farm with high welfare and biosecurity standards. All alpacas are individually faecal tested about every six weeks and only then given appropriate treatment for any gut parasites if necessary. The whole herd is currently vaccinated with Bravoxin10, with six monthly boosters. A voluntary bTB test is carried out on every alpaca in the herd, annually. All deaths (over around 3 months of age) are subject of post mortem, to check for any undiagnosed health conditions.
We take bio-security very seriously, with all incoming alpacas thoroughly treated for any gut parasites, before moving onto the farm and then faecal tested on arrival and before leaving quarantine. Pre-movement tests are carried out for bTB and Johne’s Disease (We have never had either disease diagnosed on the farm). All incoming alpacas are kept in quarantine for at least four weeks before joining the main herd.
We are willing to conduct any pre-movement tests/parasite treatments that you request.
Rose Grey
Solid Colour:
Not applicable for grey animal
Date of Birth:
15th May 2024
Current Age:
10 Months
Price Information
Sales Tax:
This price is NOT inclusive of sales tax which needs to be added.